At the start of April 2021, the story of a girl from Hanoi who hid her limb lengthening procedure from her parents received a great deal of public attention. In particular, the girl named T (aged 25, nickname hyanna115) was only 148cm tall at first. Despite the girl’s attempt to improve her height by taking pills and doing exercise, they had little effect. In order to become more confident in herself, the young girl decided to save up for limb lengthening surgery with the hope to grow 7cm taller.
T started to find information by joining a private group with 28,000 members who have been desiring to get their legs lengthened. She was introduced to Dr. Doan – who has successfully helped many people with their leg lengthening. T made an appointment with a surgeon a few months prior. Dr. Doan adviced T to complete her education before undergoing the procedure.
After she graduated from university, T rushed to make money fast, with 3-4 jobs at the same time, including: interpreting Korean, selling clothes online, and translating comic books for several websites. Additionally, to save up, T did not purchase new clothes or cosmetic products for a long time.
She took a picture as a keepsake to record leg her difficult journey .
T shared with us: “The total cost for the the two placement and removal of external fixator frames was 175mil VND. In addition, I had others fees to pay such as rehabilitation that caused 400,000-500,000 VND per sessions, calcium supplement diet, etc. with the approximated numbers of 250,000,0000 mil VND.”
T’s post-operative legs
Recently, on her personal Tik Tok channel, T was open in sharing and answering corcenrs about leg lengthening procedure. The girl revealed that, up until now, it has been 4 months since her first surgery, and 1 month and 10 days since the removal of her external fixator frames.
Her current stature helps her become more confident than before.
Her walk also becomes more graceful after a period of rehabilitation exercising.
Now T. feels much more confident as her height was improved by 7cm. Additionally, her walk becomes more agile. T does not even have to use crutches to walk normally. There is a chance that in the near future, the young girl’s legs will move even more gracefully than before.
Netizens got curious about the post-operative result
The list of pictures and videos that the girl from Hanoi just shared on her profile page has motivated young people who are considering undergoing limb lengthening surgery. However, there were a lot of comments that disagreed with these way of improving height. According to them, instead of having a surgery, the “shorty” girls should focus more on doing exercise and swimming to develop everything naturally.
The girl’s legs can bend and straighten easily
Although her legs are still not too agile, T can now walk without the needs of her crutches
Source: Fastnew